Saturday, December 07, 2013

MS Dynamics CRM Eliminating Error Notifications

MS Dynamics CRM Eliminating Error Notifications

Working on Mirosoft Dynamics CRM 2013 or 2011 some times we get error message notifications when we are clicking to fast or want to return to a previous screen, this is common due that we are not allowing the application to complete with client side scripts or leting complete the retrieve process, ther error message will ask if you want to send the error message to Microsoft support or discard the error message; we can disable the error message notification updating the system settings.

The following steps will gide you to update the Privacy settings that will disable the error message notification

  • On the top Navigation select Settings
  • When in the Settings Navigation select and Click the Administration option
  • In the Administration page, on the right column click on the option for Privacy Preferences
  • Select the Web error notification preference, and click on the checkbox for Specify the Web Application error notification preference on behalf of users
  • Select on the option Never send an error report to Microsoft
  • Click Ok button
  • Refresh the page and test the changes

Now we can test the error notification is disable to ask for sending or not the error message to Microsoft. To test you can open an Opportunity and then inmediately when the information is loading, click the Back button on the browser and the web application will not display the error message notification.

This will eliminate a lot of support calls and frustrated users!

Hope this help!

Abe Saldana

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